Monday, January 19, 2015

Update to non-Navy funded education programs

New navy instruction on non-Navy funded (e.g. Olmsted Scholarship) degree programs here:

The most important updates are in the very beginning:

a. Under the scholarship program, selected officers may accept non-Navy funded financial aid to enroll in resident graduate education programs on a full-time basis while receiving full pay and benefits. Availability of scholarship program quotas is subject to Navy requirements.

b. Tuition must be paid by a non-Navy funded scholarship and must cover at least 50 percent of tuition costs. Selected officers must obtain qualifying scholarships and bear all additional costs associated with their academic program. Since the scholarship program is a full-time education program, use of off-duty education funds in the form of tuition assistance or the graduate education voucher to supplement scholarship funding is prohibited.

c. The education received must be Navy relevant and satisfy the educational skill requirements (ESR) of a Navy subspecialty code as confirmed by the Naval Postgraduate School (NPS). For individuals attending civilian institutions where the degree does not meet all the ESRs, Navy Education Strategy and Policy Branch (OPNAV (N127)) can approve the appropriate officer subspecialty code suffix per the Manual of Navy Officer Manpower and Personnel Classifications, volume I.