Thursday, January 28, 2016

Random Polygraph Testing Coming

And the part where I give you an electric shock for bad answers is here... (image from Wikipedia)
Random polygraphs to catch insider threats?  Yup, they are here.  From NAVADMIN 015/16:

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Before you interview to become an officer...

As an officer, I often get asked to conduct interviews for enlisted Sailors seeking to apply to be an officer.  Too often, the Sailor seems to think that everything is easier as an Officer: better pay, better housing, and better working hours.  It comes as a surprise to many that if I applied the same effort I would make far more outside the military, not lose money moving every 2-3 years, and work less hours than I do now.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

I'll be back soon!

My posting has been minimal for a few reasons:

- The master's thesis took a LOT out of me. It felt like sprinting at the end of the race, only the sprint lasted over a month.
Yeah, I think so too!
- I'm moving this month. Every time I move I discover where the Navy stashes all the admin people that you never liked, so I'm constantly having to show people regulations that they should know already. Fun times! Thankfully my chain of command has given me a lot of leniency in getting things done.

- I'm killing zombies. Well, virtual ones anyway. I downloaded Survivalist on Steam and it's one of the best 3 dollar games I've ever played.
Nothing relieves PCS stress like shooting a zombie in the face with a shotgun!
But so much has happened! The Navy renamed the IDC, announced new medal devices, and at some point is releasing it's innovation award winners. On top of that, Iran took our Sailors (but then gave them back), we had a SOTU and have an upcoming Republican debate. There is a lot to talk about, so I'll be blogging again soon.

Saturday, January 2, 2016

NPS Distance Education After Action

I spent about 4 years working on my masters.  During that time, I worked at two different duty stations, added a child to my family, promoted to O-4, and probably aged just slightly more than the average person my age.  My degree required a lot of effort on top of work and family commitments, and I'd be lying if I said that I didn't occasionally invent new swear words to describe my feelings of desperation at times.