I've lost count already...but good news for Navy TA.
CNP recently talked about Navy tuition assistance here:
"Ninety percent of Sailors who use TA complete the courses they take and Navy leadership is actively working to keep TA in this tough economy," said Van Buskirk. "They are looking at the structure to allow those Sailors who are eligible to continue to use it."
So, likely we'll see changes, but we'll continue to have TA.
If I had to change TA....
1. Make sailors pay back for any classes failed unless their XO signs a statement saying that operations affected their performance.
2. Restrict the degrees offered. If the degree didn't line up with the sailors job, put into place a quota system that only allows so many degrees that the Navy doesn't find useful (think dance, political science, etc.). The Navy could tie this to performance...basically, only high performing sailors get to choose from any degree, otherwise, you get a degree based on what will make you better at your job.
3. Restrict TA unless sailors have finished initial warfare qualification. I'm still shocked that sailors apply for TA but aren't done with EIDWS, or NAWS, or ESWOS. My thinking is that TA is a privilege that you earn after you are qualified in your warfare area.