Very good advice on how to talk to senior officers.
A snippet:
The first step is giving the boss the big
picture. In a couple of sentences, try to outline the basics of the situation
and the problem you seek to solve or the creative idea you are pushing.
Next, offer an assessment that lays out the key
facts the decision-maker needs. Put yourself in the shoes of the decision maker
and tailor the background info to what he or she doesn't already know. You'll
need to state your assumptions up front as well.
Third step – and the key, of course – is
articulating what you propose. Make this simple, creative, and sensible. Think
through and discuss second order effects. Mention how your idea will play with
the ‘customers' the boss reports to as appropriate. Address the challenges –
especially the resources required -- in a realistic way.
Be honest and clear-eyed, not an impassioned
advocate for a pet theory or project. Give both sides of the argument and
anticipate objections. You need to be able to walk through the plan in such a
way as to make it understandable.