Monday, March 2, 2015

GI Bill Instruction and transferring benefits

 GI Bill instruction updated, located here:,%20Community%20and%20Religious%20Services/1780.4.pdf

No huge surprises, but it does go into detail on transfer of benefits:


The following is a review of the major steps Sailors must follow when desiring to execute TEB of the Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits to family members. This enclosure has been created as a supporting tool and checklist to ensure successful completion of the TEB process. This process is also fully described in reference (f).

1. Verify family members are enrolled in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System.

2. Enter into and document the required 4-year additional service obligation in the member’s NSIPS electronic service record (ESR). The additional service obligation is necessary for eligibility to transfer benefits. Refer to the eligibility requirements listed in reference (f) and enclosure (3) of reference (a). Make and save a copy of the signed obligation. Members are required to obligate for 4 years additional service. The additional service obligation must be reflected in the member’s ESR. This includes enlisted members who have reenlisted to meet the obligation and officers who have executed a NAVPERS 1070/613 (Page 13) in their ESR. For officers, a NAVPERS 1070/613 (Page 13) for transferability is required regardless of any existing service agreements. These obligations may be served concurrently. For all SELRES enlisted members, a NAVPERS 1070/613 (Page 13) for transferability is required in addition to the contractual obligation.

3. Conduct the benefits transfer within 30 days of reenlistment or extension (enlisted members) or after verifying the NSIPS entry of the service obligation (officers), as applicable. In situations where communications may hinder a successful submission (e.g., deployment), Sailors may contact Navy Personnel Command GI Bill Office (PERS-314) in advance to hold TEB requests in a pending status until service obligation is reflected in the member’s record; this is to avoid surpassing the 30 day grace period. Contact information for PERS-314 is found in reference (f).

4. Log on to milConnect Web site and designate at least 1 month to each desired family member. (The procedure is spelled out in detail on the site. Go to: milConnect Home -> Education Benefits -> How to Submit a Transfer Request).

5. Important: Click on the “Submit” button on the milConnect Transfer Benefits page; verify that a “Confirmation” message is shown. Next, verify on the milConnect TEB page that the status changes to “Submitted” at the top of the screen page under the member’s (Sponsor) name.

6. Check the milConnect TEB Web page on a frequent basis until the “Submitted” status changes to either “Request approved” or “Request rejected”. This step is critical – members must monitor and verify that their transfer submission was processed.

7. If status changed to “Request approved”, the transfer of benefits has been accomplished. Member may change the amount of months transferred as member desires. Print screen and save multiple copies for member’s personal records.

8. If status has changed to “Request rejected”, member must rectify the disqualifying discrepancy and repeat steps 4 through 7. To date, a majority of the rejections seen have been due to lack of the required NSIPS NAVPERS 1070/613 (Page 13) and insufficient contract time remaining for enlisted members from the date of the TEB request.

9. These actions must be completed while on active duty or as a member of the SELRES.

10. Failure to follow these steps in order will result in denial of TEB. The above steps only describe the process and key points in transferring education benefits from the Service member to family member(s). For the designated family members to use the benefits, they must apply for a certificate of eligibility from the VA. The milConnect “How to Submit a Transfer Request” page discusses this separate requirement and process.